Sobre o GGWeek | Santander
About GGWeek | Santander
About GGWeek | Santander
O que era para ser apenas um dia se transformou em uma semana inesquecível. O Santander patrocinou várias ofertas incríveis para seu jogo, reuniu um grupo de influenciadores como Samira Close, Batata GG, Black Will, Zigueira, Alice Gobbi e Maellen para transmissões ao vivo diárias, e encerrou o jogo com uma Super Live lendária apresentada por Camilota e Gordox.
What was meant to be just one day turned into an unforgettable week. Santander sponsored several great offers for their game, brought together a squad of influencers like Samira Close, Batata GG, Black Will, Zigueira, Alice Gobbi, and Maellen for daily livestreams, and ended the game with a legendary Super Live hosted by Camilota and Gordox.
What was meant to be just one day turned into an unforgettable week. Santander sponsored several great offers for their game, brought together a squad of influencers like Samira Close, Batata GG, Black Will, Zigueira, Alice Gobbi, and Maellen for daily livestreams, and ended the game with a legendary Super Live hosted by Camilota and Gordox.
Set Design
Set Design
Combinando elementos virtuais e físicos, a cenografia do evento foi meticulosamente projetada com atenção aos detalhes, resultando em um ambiente visualmente envolvente. Não apenas refletiu a identidade do patrocinador, mas também intensificou a atmosfera do evento. Desempenhando um papel fundamental, a cenografia proporcionou uma experiência memorável e impactante para os participantes, estabelecendo uma conexão visual e emocional com a marca Santander.
Combining virtual and physical elements, the scenography of the event was meticulously designed with attention to detail, resulting in a visually engaging environment. It not only reflected the sponsor's identity but also heightened the atmosphere of the event. Playing a fundamental role, the scenography provided a memorable and impactful experience for the participants, establishing a visual and emotional connection with the Santander brand.
Combining virtual and physical elements, the scenography of the event was meticulously designed with attention to detail, resulting in a visually engaging environment. It not only reflected the sponsor's identity but also heightened the atmosphere of the event. Playing a fundamental role, the scenography provided a memorable and impactful experience for the participants, establishing a visual and emotional connection with the Santander brand.


Ficha Técnica
Projeto Cenográfico: Carla Fernandes | Georgia Lobo | Debora Ornelas
Execução: Show Design e Arch 4You
Creative Director: Raphael "PDN"
Art Direction: Wendel Hilario
Design: Georgia Lobo | Almir "Neto"
Motion Design: Augusto Junior | Bruno Merli
Editing: Victor "zero" Rocha | Igor dias | Adryano "Koneko" Apolinário | Juan Pablo | Ian Farias
Show Script: Vinícius Aguiar
Show Director: Yan Schwab (Vny)
GFX Integration: Ward Live Produções (Késia)
Lightning Designer: André Luiz Bezerra
Photography Director: Walter Zucchini
Tech Producer: Rodrigo Vieira
Live Ops: Fabio Guimarães (Venon)
Product Director: Brunno Gujo
Product Manager: Clara Badaró | Mari Martins
Production Manager: Debora Ornelas
Production: Fatu Martins | Edson Paulino Junior | Leticia Pascale
Talent Production: Julia Reis
Stage Manager: Thiago Rasoppi
Makeup Artists: Cátia Jeane | Julia Dequeker | Ana Carolina de Oliveira Malaxoski
Execução: Show Design e Arch 4You
Creative Director: Raphael "PDN"
Art Direction: Wendel Hilario
Design: Georgia Lobo | Almir "Neto"
Motion Design: Augusto Junior | Bruno Merli
Editing: Victor "zero" Rocha | Igor dias | Adryano "Koneko" Apolinário | Juan Pablo | Ian Farias
Show Script: Vinícius Aguiar
Show Director: Yan Schwab (Vny)
GFX Integration: Ward Live Produções (Késia)
Lightning Designer: André Luiz Bezerra
Photography Director: Walter Zucchini
Tech Producer: Rodrigo Vieira
Live Ops: Fabio Guimarães (Venon)
Product Director: Brunno Gujo
Product Manager: Clara Badaró | Mari Martins
Production Manager: Debora Ornelas
Production: Fatu Martins | Edson Paulino Junior | Leticia Pascale
Talent Production: Julia Reis
Stage Manager: Thiago Rasoppi
Makeup Artists: Cátia Jeane | Julia Dequeker | Ana Carolina de Oliveira Malaxoski